Opt-Out Notification

Schools are required to use a minimum of two methods to alert parents to the upcoming IYS. The parental notification process should be started at least 30 days before your intended survey date. All written notifications should include a link to this page. Keep a printed copy of all survey forms to be administered at your school in the office for parents to review. 


All parents must receive the parent notification letter, which informs them about the survey and how to withdraw their child’s participation. The form can be found below in both English and Spanish. The notification letter can be provided electronically, but you should have paper copies available for parents who request them.

 Parent Notification - English Form - Opens a Word Document        Parent Notification - Spanish Form - Opens a Word Document



One additional method of notification is required. Possible other methods include posting to the school website, social networking page, or student information system, or inclusion in school daily announcements. A sample generic flyer is also available here.


Returned parental notification/opt-out forms should be collected in the school office. A log of returned forms should be kept, along with identifying student information. A list of students excluded from participation due to parental opt-out should be given to each classroom teacher/proctor on the day the survey is administered. All returned parental opt-out forms should be filed in a locked cabinet and remain at the school for 1 year.


Schools that are required to use an active consent process due to district policies should inform CPRD and discuss methods to obtain as many parent responses as possible. Note that active consent processes have been known to be much more labor-intensive and result in a biased sample of students allowed to complete the survey.